Genki Hirano

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Does Brand Awareness Influence Purchase Intention?

Brand awareness refers to the level of familiarity and recognition that consumers have with a brand, while purchase intention is a consumer's willingness to purchase a particular product or service. 

And these two concepts are closely related, but how does brand awareness actually influence purchase intention?

Read on to explore the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention — including the various factors that can influence purchase intention, such as perceived quality, brand recognition, and customer experience. 

What is Brand Awareness?

Firstly, let's define brand awareness in more detail before we discuss anything else.
Brand awareness is the degree to which consumers recognize and recall a particular brand.

It is a critical component of a company's overall marketing strategy as it plays a vital role in shaping consumer perceptions and preferences. 

Brand awareness also helps businesses differentiate their products and services from their competitors, building customer loyalty, and brand recognition. 

Take Starbucks for example. Why do most people choose to go there rather than the local coffee shop down the street?

It's familiarity and comfort. 

They know what to expect and can depend on its consistency. 

That's brand awareness. 

It's that immediate association with the green label and knowing that one can order the same products, expect the same decor, and use free wifi — regardless of location. 

Purchase Intention and Consumer Behavior

This is where the magic happens in marketing. It's the borderline decision-making of a consumer based on their impressions of a brand image. 

Purchase intention is the likelihood or willingness of a consumer to buy a particular product or service. 

It is a key factor in consumer behavior and plays a vital role in the success of businesses. 

Consumer behavior is influenced by a wide range of factors, including psychological, social, and cultural factors. 

In addition to these, there are several other factors that can influence purchase intention such as product quality, price, availability, and brand reputation. 

Brand value can also influence purchase intention, as consumers are more likely to trust and purchase products from brands with a positive reputation.

The Relationship Between Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention

Brand awareness and purchase intention are closely linked. The more aware consumers are of a particular brand, the more likely they are to consider purchasing its products or services. 

Brand awareness creates a sense of familiarity and trust between the consumer and the brand, making it more likely that they will choose that brand over competitors.

(As mentioned in the example with Starbucks)

The larger reach a brand perception has, the more people will associate everyday moments with the brand. In other words, the more you see a brand connected with a certain feeling or emotion, it becomes ingrained in you as a person.

Now that's a powerful influence! 

The Role of Brand Familiarity

Consumers are more likely to purchase products from brands that they are familiar with as they feel a greater sense of trust and confidence in those brands.

This is quite interesting in many ways. 

For one, many of the products that are sold on the market don't fulfill the direct needs of the consumer. Yet, they choose to buy the product or service simply because they are familiar with the brand. 

For example, Coca-Cola has made ads that say their drinks are refreshing and thirst-quenching.

But in reality, soda is notoriously unhealthy and is known to dehydrate you. 

So why do people still buy Coke if they know water is ultimately the better choice over a soft drink overall? 

Aside from it being delicious, it's familiarity. 

Coca-Cola has engineered timeless marketing tactics and has instilled its brand as a part of everyday lifestyle, not just the branding of soda. 

The Impact of Brand Recall

Have you ever been asked to grab extra dish soap but forgot which brand that person asked for?

Now you start digging through your mind of what the label looked like, what the color of the soap was, and how it smelled. 

This is what you call a brand recall. And it's a powerful element in marketing because it's what stays pertinent in people's minds when they are shopping. 

Simply put, brand recall refers to a consumer's ability to remember a particular brand when making a purchasing decision. 

And a brand with high recall is more likely to be considered by consumers, even if they have not previously purchased from the brand.

Effective advertising and marketing efforts can increase brand recall by creating memorable and distinctive brand messaging and visual identity. 

This can include a specific color scheme, an eye-catching logo, or a slogan that's easily remembered. 

Lovin' it so far? 

Now let's go over the importance of brand differentiation. 

The Importance of Brand Differentiation

Brand differentiation is the ability of a brand to stand out from competitors by offering unique features, benefits, or experiences. 

To differentiate themselves from competitors, businesses must identify and communicate their unique value proposition to consumers. 

This can be achieved through targeted branding and marketing efforts, including advertising campaigns, social media marketing, and influencer partnerships.

It may sound straightforward, but it's not. 

To be able to tap into a consumer's pain points and deepest desires while showcasing your brand experience is no easy task. 

As mentioned, coming up with a visual identity or a catchy slogan is important when differentiating yourself from your competitors. 

But the real difference in brand awareness is the emotional connection a consumer has with a particular brand. 

The Role of Emotional Connection

We are emotional beings and make many of our daily choices based on how we feel. 

E.g. "I feel like eating a burrito." Or, "I don't like this artist because Kanye is part of the production." 

It can be a subtle difference between a logical choice or simply fulfilling a need.
But ultimately, emotions tend to sit in the driver's seat when we make certain decisions. 

To build emotional connections with consumers, businesses must focus on creating positive and memorable experiences for customers. Or even in a menacing sort of way — creating a sense of fear so that they feel like they need a particular product or service. Drug companies are pros at targeting vulnerable people and getting them to buy the medication they may not even need. 

Hence the worldwide revenue of pharmaceuticals of 1.4 Trillion dollars in the U.S. alone. 

Regardless of your intention, it's clear that understanding the consumers' emotions play a big role in effective marketing. 

And this can be achieved through creating a strong brand personality, using storytelling to create an emotional connection, and developing marketing campaigns that correlate to consumer needs and desires.

By establishing emotional connections with consumers, businesses can create a sense of brand loyalty and advocacy among customers — leading to increased purchase intention and repeat business.

Measuring the Effectiveness of Brand Awareness and Emotional Connections

In theory, learning about brand awareness and emotional connections is great but how can you measure them in a tangible way?

There are several metrics that can be used to measure these factors, including brand lift studies and sentiment analysis.

Brand lift studies measure the increase in brand awareness and perception after a specific marketing campaign. They also help businesses understand the impact of their marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions about future campaigns.

Sentiment analysis measures the overall sentiment toward a brand on social media and other online platforms. By analyzing sentiment toward a brand, companies can understand how consumers perceive their brand and adjust their messaging and branding accordingly.

It's essential for businesses to track and analyze these metrics to refine their marketing strategies and improve their performance. 

Moreover, analyzing the results of brand lift studies and sentiment analysis can determine which marketing efforts are most effective in increasing brand awareness and emotional connections with consumers.

Future Trends in Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention

As technology continues to advance, the world of marketing is constantly evolving. 

Here are some emerging trends and future developments that could shape the relationship between brand awareness and purchase intention in the years to come:

  1. Personalization: The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning has made it easier for businesses to personalize their marketing efforts, tailoring messaging and experiences to individual consumers based on their preferences and behaviors. This personalized "machine marketing" can help businesses build stronger emotional connections with consumers — increasing purchase intention and driving sales.

  2. User-generated content: User-generated content, such as reviews and social media posts, can have a significant impact on consumer behavior and purchase intention. As more businesses encourage and leverage user-generated content, it will become increasingly important to monitor and manage these interactions to ensure that they align with the brand's values and messaging.

  3. Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing has become a popular way for businesses to reach new audiences and build credibility with consumers. As this trend continues to grow, businesses will need to develop effective strategies for working with influencers and measuring the impact of these partnerships on brand awareness and purchasing intention.

  4. Sustainability: Consumers are increasingly concerned about sustainability and environmental responsibility, and businesses that prioritize these values are likely to see a positive impact on brand awareness and purchase intention. By incorporating sustainability into their brand messaging and marketing efforts, businesses can differentiate themselves from competitors and build stronger emotional connections with consumers.


In summary, brand awareness and purchase intention are critical concepts in marketing. Consumers are more likely to purchase from brands they are familiar with, have high recall, unique footprint, and emotional connections. 

Any business can build brand awareness and establish emotional connections through targeted marketing efforts and consistent branding. However, it will require a dedicated team to fully understand how to promote your business to a target audience.

But if done right, you can improve brand recognition, customer loyalty and ultimately drive sales. 

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