Genki Hirano

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ORICoop Organic Producers Farm Insurance Survey

As an Organic & Biodynamic Producers Cooperative, we are exploring a tailored organic producer insurance offering and are seeking feedback from existing organic producers - either for your current cover or to consider other areas of your business exposure that may not have been covered to date.  Some of these events we know can have catastrophic consequences in the form of loss of licensing, financial loss, litigation and damage to business reputation.  Typical farm insurance products do little to protect organic and biodynamic farming operations from these risks and the ORICoop Board are concerned about the situation, both for producers and also for the broader industry.  We are reviewing opportunities for organic producers to improve their level of protection that organic and biodynamic farmers currently rely on, and how ORICoop can provide value to our members via a tailored organic insurance product. 

We encourage your confidential participation in this short survey which provides the opportunity for your business to learn more about some immediate initiatives to add further protection beyond typical insurance arrangements.

** This survey is facilitated by ORICoop for the benefit of our members and the wider organic farming community.  The results will be kept confidential, and the amalgamated details only will be considered in the design of potential insurance needs and thus provide opportunity of a tailored organic or biodynamic insurance proposition for producers and businesses.

Details of ORICoop are here -

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ORICoop Farm Insurance Survey: A Chance to Bridge Coverage Gaps for Organic Producers

For the past three years, ORIcoop has been on the search for a partnership with an insurance company that is cognizant of the unique demands of the organic and biodynamic farming community. Recognizing your industry's distinct challenges, we're on the verge of unveiling a specialized insurance solution tailored to your needs. 

Why Take the Survey?

Many farm insurance products don't adequately cover the distinct risks of organic and biodynamic farming. Participating in the survey allows you to influence the design of a tailored insurance program. This can lead to a better understanding of the unique needs of organic and biodynamic producers. Also, as you may know, the lack of coverage of current insurance protection can lead to unfavorable outcomes, including:

  • Loss of licensing

  • Significant financial setbacks

  • Legal battles

  • Damage to business reputation

Benefits of the New Design for Farmers

  • A tailored insurance program designed by ORICoop specifically for Organic and Biodynamic Producers.

  • Sustainable and competitive premiums for the foreseeable future.

  • Collaborating with one dedicated insurance company focused on a lasting partnership.

Confidentiality and Deadlines

ORICoop is conducting this survey to better serve both our members and organic agriculture communities as a whole. We assure you that all responses will be kept confidential, and the collective data will only be used to shape insurance offerings for customized insurance solutions for organic and biodynamic farmers. We urge you to submit your feedback by December 30 so that we can share the consolidated results with our members by March 30. 

Click the link for more information on Oricoop.

Still have questions? Reach out here.